Lily has also been under the weather, and when she woke from her nap this afternoon, she and I cuddled and I played with her hair and she sucked her thumb. I'll take more of that.
I have a handful of freelance prospects -- folks to call, meetings to attend, and some work already in place. Also, Adam was hired for a second job this afternoon. All this since noon yesterday. What can I say? God is good.
I've had two people offer to contribute to my Holga fund! I didn't expect anyone to help out, and I'm so pleasantly surprised. I'm still taking contributions and will reciprocate with a few prints of my photos. Just leave me a comment or
send me an email.I am feeling incredibly blessed by the good people in my life. Some I have known for many years; others I have never met in real life. But these people are true friends. They encourage my hopes and dreams. They believe in me. For them I am truly thankful. (You know who you are.)
1 comment:
mmmmmm cupcake wine. not a merlot fan but love their cab!
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