The thing is, it's supposed to be in the sixties by the end of the week, the average temperature for February, so I'm not sure how often wearing it will be a necessity. But like everything else I have that's not necessary but is still pretty cool, I'll end up wearing it around the house, grateful for a warm neck and no scarf-y loose ends begging to be tugged or unraveling into whatever I have my hands on.
That is absolutely beautiful! I am currently trying to learn to knit-do you have any places online where you would recommend I look for instructions? I purchased a little book, but it is confusing. :)
Hi Jenny! I had my mom show me a few things, but she lives 1200 miles away. So I figured out that YouTube is a knitter's best friend. There are tons of videos that show you how to do just about anything. Those knitting books can be very confusing and they never seem to include enough photos. What gives? Also, if there's a yarn store near you (not Michael's -- a smaller store), they should have someone who can help you if you get stuck. Knitters are friendly folk! :)
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