:: Two, maybe three, cups of strong coffee in the morning. Preferably, it's good coffee, though sometimes it's Maxwell House. I have at least one cup before eating, so as not to taint the flavor of that first and freshest cup.
:: Snapping a photograph or two, or five, or a hundred. Project 365 has been good for me, and I've hung in there the best I could, come hell or high water. Taking a photo a day has caused me to be more attentive to my daily life, and it has made me a better photographer (I think).
:: Singing. I like to sing and make up silly songs. And, embarrassingly enough, I did this long before I had Lily to sing them to. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've been doing it all my life.
*inspired by a question from this joy+ride.
I have turned my wife on to "fresh roasted." Go to the goodwill, buy a used hot air popcorn poper (w/ vents on the inside of the heat chamber, not a screen on the bottom), go to the local coffee shop that does it's own roasting and buy some raw/green beans. Cheaper, typically. Sweetmaria's online if you have no local source. Roast a small batch (same amount you'd use if you were popping corn) roughly 3-4 minutes (don't let them get too black, but you can monitor your roast), throw on a pan to cool and let stand uncovered for 24 hours (some can be ground sooner). I can't stand coffee, but she swears by it. pbs
Can you do that with a Whirly Pop (one that sits on the stove with a crank)? Because we have one of those!
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