26 August 2009

A Day in the Life of the Incredibly Exhausted

8:30 a.m. Wake up to Lily cooing. Last night was killer. I was up from 2:22 to sometime after 5. It's the second night in a row. I get up, change Lily, feed her, dress her.

8:50 a.m. Take a shower. Take note that we need new shampoo. Poke my head out to see Lily pounding on her Baby Einstein saucer.

9:30 a.m. Put whiny Lily down for a nap. Make coffee. Flip open computer.

10 a.m. Lily has screamed in her bed for a half hour. Pick her up and attempt to do work with her in my lap. Unsuccessful. We walk around the house and I read her a book.

10:30 a.m. Finally, the nap begins. I scramble around getting things ready for class. Print assignments. Make lists. Hope for a few spare minutes to reread the text before class.

11 a.m. Talk to Mom on the phone. Topics include postpartum issues, decorating, and varsity football.

12 noon Lily wakes from nap. Feed her and watch a bit of Scrubs.

12:20 p.m. Pack a lunch. Pack Lily's diaper bag. Look and look and look for her hat.

12:25 p.m. Find her hat.

12:45 p.m. Sit in the backyard and throw the ball for Penny. She could do this all day.

12:55 p.m. Put Lily and her stuff into the car. Drive to the Y to meet her babysitter.

1:30 p.m. Switch the carseat into the babysitter's car. Drive to the college.

2:15 p.m. Make copies. Check watch. Sigh.

2:30 p.m. First class. So tired. I try to learn students' names and answer questions. I feel like a basketcase.

3:45 p.m. Class is over. I run to the office, contemplate taking a nap, and shovel food down my throat.

3:55 p.m. Talk to Adam and wish he was home today.

4:30 p.m. Class, round two. I'm barely making it. Things don't go as planned. I wish I wasn't trying to replicate what happened in the first class, but I can't help myself. End class early. Sit in car listening to NPR.

5:45 p.m. Switch carseat back. Drive Lily home. She cries the entire time.

6:10 p.m. Change Lily and feed her. She falls asleep eating. I close my eyes too.

6:30 p.m. Wheel of Fortune. Put Lily to bed.

6:40 p.m. Check email. Make pasta. Wish someone would cook me dinner or pick me up something from Subway. Wish it was closer to bedtime.

7 p.m. Sit on the couch. Eat dinner. Stream The Office from Netflix. Try not to fantasize about going to bed. Try to stay up until 9.

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