I woke up in the middle of the night (as pregnant ladies with babies pushing on their bladders all night are apt to do), went to the restroom, climbed back in bed, and looked at the cradle beside me. So far when I've looked at it, I "awww-ed" to myself thinking that a tiny little person will sleep there soon. But last night it occurred to me -- I have no idea how to care for an infant. And I haven't done a whole bunch of reading up on it, which is surprising. I usually read everything I can get my hands on, but since I've been on information overload lately, and infant care has not been on the forefront of my mind.
I know I'll be fine, but the whole thing is mind blowing. Just like the birth. I know I'll do well and I'll get through it, but that I'm actually going to do it is surreal.
And I am ready to be home. Going to work gets harder by the day. I have a total of seven days left (including today) before my leave, and all I want is to be home relaxing and taking care of little things around the house I didn't get to this weekend. And I just flat out have baby on the brain, which makes editing boring elevator articles even more difficult than usual.
It will all come together. I just need some patience.
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