I know what I want to get Lily for her birthday: a baby doll and a toy camera.
I'm not sure why she doesn't have a baby doll, but I suppose every little girl should have one. Right now she has a beloved stuffed animal we call Buddy, who is the unnamed character from Dr. Suess's The Foot Book. He looks nothing like a baby, but he functions just as well. She carries him around, pushes him in the shopping cart, naps with him.
The other morning when I picked Lily up from the nursery at the gym, she was playing alone. She had a baby doll in the swing, which she had covered with a blanket. The girl working there said she already gave the baby a bottle. It was adorable and I had a rush of guilt that she didn't have a doll of her own. No matter the gender stereotypes. This girl needs a baby doll.
She also needs a camera, which was obvious today when I got my big camera out and she dug out the little point and shoot. Then she flipped it on and started taking videos. This is what the kid of a photography nut does, I suppose. I took the little camera away and pointed it at her, and realized she should have a camera of her own.
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